Agarwal BulkActives is a customer centric company committed to quality and innovation. we have been pioneering FSSAI licensed food additives for Safer food catered by commercial kitchens like restaurants, caterers street food vendors, canteens, fisherman and in turn get better business by increasing shelf life of food and reducing wastage of food and saving preparation time.
From vegetarian food items like all type of farshan, namkeen, milk and milk products, sweets, juices, non-vegetarian foods like meat, poultry to fisheries and marine catch; our FDA approved and FSSAI licensed brand portfolio is as diverse as it is ever-evolving.
A robust and growing network makes our products accessible across demographics and geographies.
Foodguard : For guarding vegeterian food.
Preserfish : To keep fish fresh for long time.
Meatguard : Add life and vigor to your meat product.